Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Getting ready for the show...

Wow, there's a lot to do to get ready for a jewelry show. I spent a lot of time this past weekend running around to various stores picking up things I'll need. I really want to "do things right" and put together a display that's going to be attractive and functional. It seems like I've got an awful lot of stuff. I'm glad I'm not selling books or something else heavy or bulky. I would need a fork lift to get everything where it needs to go! It takes me back to the days when I worked as a Recruiter for a nurse staffing agency. I worked a lot of job fairs, to which I dragged boxes and boxes of promotional items. I was always pretty tired after these events.

Here's a fun piece that I really like. The beads are lampworked beads in bright colors. I love the vibrant cobalt blue of the beads used in the chain.

I didn't realize that I had so many earrings. I picked up a hint somewhere online to use business cards as earring display cards. With the little sticky back hangers that I ordered online, they hang on a jewelry rack just like in a store. Pretty cool. I'm actually using a wire DVD rack that sits on the table and provides vertical interest to my display. I'll be sure to get some good pictures of my setup.

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