Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Color and Mood....

It's spring in Chicago. It's that brief moment in time when the temperatures are moderate, the skies are bluer, and living things begin to unfold and reveal touches glimpses of their colorful glory. And it's GREEN everywhere!!! At no other time does the grass grow as furiously, and as lush as it does right now. Two or three months from now, patches of dry wilting, moisture-starved turf start appearing everywhere, except on turf owned by those citizens desperately battling to save the green with artificial watering. Yes, it's a battle. But right now, rain is abundant, and green, green, GREEN is our the world.

So how does that make one feel? Well, I know that when I look out my window and see green grass, green flowering plants, and lush green foliage....I feel rested. And relaxed. And taken away...to somewhere natural, botanical, or maybe even tropical.

It's no secret that colors influence one's mood. Scientists have studied the human physiological response to color for quite some time. Warm, hot colors excite...cooler blues and greens relax. But regardless of what science has discovered, it's important to be sensitive to the impact that colors have on you. Pay attention to what you find soothing and comforting. Make note of environments that you find energizing, then analyze whether or not the colors might have something to do with that feeling of invigoration!

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